How Things Change (and How They Don't)
Some Things Change, and Some Don't

Our new packaging is better than ever, with a resealable feature that keeps your pet's food fresh all week. Our food blends are conveniently served in 150g pucks for easier defrosting and portioning — all of this came about from the meaningful feedback you all provided to make your raw pet food experience even better.
Alongside these practical changes, we wanted to switch up the way we look. We wanted to show the confidence we feel about the inside of our packages on the outside. With help, we found a perfect balance of colourful and unique with sleek and luxurious, so your pet feels like they're eating at a five star restaurant — you eat with your eyes, you know!
Bella and Boots moved our brick and mortar presence to a new storefront in Eumundi at Belmondos Organic Market, so now you can shop for delicious products for humans AND pets at Eumundi Meats. That's a lot of something new in 363 days (technically). We love everything new that's come around, but there's something we love even more. What hasn't changed.
Bella and Boots raw pet food blend is still vet-formulated by Dr Renee O'Duhring and made with organic, wild, and free-range ingredients. The ingredients are human-grade, including the meat from the award winning Eumundi Meats, and specially designed to providing your pet with the healthiest diet possible to promote better health and a longer life. 363 days is plenty of time to make a difference to your pet's life projection, to reduce disease and improve vitality.
What we wanted to highlight here is that although things have changed, there's many more things that haven't changed — important things. If you're new to Bella and Boots, a returning customer or it's been a while since you've ordered, we want to say thank you! Because of you we can make a difference for cats and dogs across South-east Queensland.