UPDATE! Eumundi Meats at Belmondos Organic Market is now the Home of Bella & Boots. Same Formula and Quality. FREE DELIVERY to most of Brisbane, Sunny Coast and Gold Coast Suburbs. Free delivery on all orders over $100.


61% of households across Australia have domestic pets like cats and dogs — that’s three in five! If you are looking to become one of those three by introducing a furry friend into your family, you don’t have to look much farther than Ridgy Didge.
  • 3 min read
Traditional agriculture can threaten our beautiful waterways, which is why it's so important you're buying Bella and Boots.
  • 3 min read
Every fortnight we feature one of our favourite Bella and Boots besties. This fortnight is Livia-Mist, an absolutely beautiful Australian shorthair.
  • 1 min read
Here is an exploration of the easiest, healthiest snacks to feed your pet.
  • 3 min read
A quick recipe for peanut butter pet biscuits
  • 2 min read
We are grateful to work with amazing farmers like Fred and Sarah from Bendele farm to provide your pet with delicious, healthy meals
  • 2 min read
Nose-to-tail is one of the best ethical choices you can make to reduce waste and honour the animal. Luckily, your pet can help you live a low-waste lifestyle.
  • 3 min read
Every fortnight we feature one of our favourite Bella and Boots besties. this fortnight is Charlie, a lovable labradoodle.
  • 1 min read
Every cat is different and there's contradicting information all over the internet about whether raw food is safe for cats. There's a few things to know when feeding your cat raw food.
Every fortnight we feature one of our favourite Bella and Boots besties. This fortnight is Bella, a sweetfaced goldie
  • 1 min read
Our pets are a part of our family, so of course we want to share the Christmas joy with them. It's important to be mindful of what foods are safe for your pet this festive season.
There's many things in our local community that make the bella and boots raw food machine tick. Read about the important processes in Bella and Boots.

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